Legendary actress Demi Moore describes how surf scene in Charlie’s Angels film forced her to struggle with identity

Tom Curren brought only a quiver of
high-performance surfboards made for Joao Chianca and was
“hell-bent” to surf just like the frenetic Brazilian. 

It’s no secret I’ve lost several imperial gallons of
transparent viscous goo on the comedic collaborations between Nick
Pollet and Vaughan Blakey
, two men with handsome glands
and Herculean eggs. 

Together, Nick and Vaughan have collaborated on Postcards
from Morgs
– a film on the one-time world title contender
Morgan Cibilic prior to his catastrophic failure to re-qualify for
the tour and
the explosively popular Free Scrubber whereupon Tom Curren is
revealed to have a personality worth close examination.

Recently, their dollys-with-cocks animated film The Greatest
Surf Movie in the Universe (“More cock than a women’s college swim
meet”) was panned by the race-obsessed, left-tilting propagandists,
The New York Times. 

In roughly one month, their newest film, Lazer Breathing
Dragons, a title inspired by a drawing by Vaughan’s son Milo when
he was eight, will come online, and starring Stephanie Gilmore,
Mason Ho and Tom Curren. 

What makes the movie so special, says Vaughan, is the trip
through Indonesia, chasing waves through that storied archipelago,
flying, driving, boats, coincided with all three “searching for
what their purpose was in their lives.” 

Vaughan says a good example is Stephanie Gilmore “coming off the
tour just as women’s surfing is going absolute bananas. She’s,
like, fuck, what does that mean for me? Can I go back? But she’s
absolutely frothing about being in that position. She’s not
sweating it. Fuck, what a champion. It’s crazy you would feel that

Sixty-year-old Tom Curren, he says, brought only a quiver of
high-performance surfboards made for Joao Chianca and was
“hell-bent”, says Vaughan, to surf just like the frenetic

“Tom goes, ‘I like how he’s here and then here there. I just
wanna be able to go from here to here right now.’  No one would believe the most
patient surfer in the world wants to surf like the most frenzied.
He loved the instant nature of Joao’s A to B. There really is no
space in between.”

Mason? Less searching, more prostrating before surf gods Curren
and Gilmore. 

“When I asked him how does it feel surfing with Steph and Curren
he said, ‘Well, it’s pretty much like hanging with God. Tom is God
to me, Steph is like God to me. I just have to get in tune with
what they’re trying to tell me with their surfing and be full
disciple of that.” 

Lazer Breathing Dragons, cruelly short at twelve minutes, debuts
in October. 

In the meantime, give Free Scrubber another run.

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