Maldivian surfers call for ban on Israelis following Hamas butchery of 1300 Jewish civilians

“Thank you for this noble humanitarian stance!”

Following the October 7 butchering of over one thousand civilians, including old women, babies, kids and leftist hippies at a music festival celebrating peace and the subsequent retaliation by Israel, surfers in the Maldives have called for an immediate ban on visiting Israeli surfers.

I mean, of course!

The Maldives, is one of the few Muslim countries that let the Jew in, Israel being one of the first countries in the world to recognise the little state when it shucked British rule in 1965.

That don’t mean it isn’t hardline.

The Maldives bans any public practice of any religion other than Islam and if you ain’t Muslim, you can’t be a citizen.

When ISIS was still big news, the Maldives gained “prominence as a haven for jihadist recruitment” as locals streamed into Iraq and Syria to join the big boys of the Jihadist game.

(Read, Losing a Paradise to Terrorism.)

A few years back the New York Times reported, 

This island paradise made news recently for a reason other than its pristine beaches and high-end resorts: the gruesome killing of a liberal blogger, stabbed to death by multiple assailants.

“The killing in April of Yameen Rasheed, 29, a strong voice against growing Islamic radicalization, has amplified safety concerns — particularly for foreign tourists, a highly vulnerable group and one that the islands’ economy depends on. It is no idle threat, in a country that by some accounts supplies the world’s highest per-capita number of foreign fighters to extremist outfits in Syria and Iraq.

“Security experts say many resorts are ill equipped to fend off an attack on par with those that have occurred in places like Tunisia and Bali, Indonesia.”

So when Hamas busted down the Gaza wall and entered those pretty little kibbutzes on the border and murdered whomever they could find, throwing in a little beheadings here and there for colour, why wouldn’t you join in the conga line of Jew hate and use it as an excuse to ban Israeli surfers.

“Maldives Bodyboarding Association and the entire surf community strongly condemn and demand an end to the inhumane and unjust actions carried out by Israel against Palestinians.

“Visiting Israeli surfers in the Maldives have displayed a disturbing lack of respect towards local and international board riders in the lineup. They have posed threats to the safety of locals and others, resorting to both verbal and physical aggression. Furthermore, it is crucial to shed light on the fact that Israelis have been involved in the tourism sector, albeit discreetly, at various levels. We implore resort owners, guesthouse proprietors, safari operators, and tour operators to cease their affiliations with these Israeli involvements.

“We request that the Maldivian government enforce a ban on the entry of Israelis to the Maldives. We also ask the government to continue any efforts aimed at stopping the inhumane actions of Israel and showing solidarity with the Palestinians. We call on the Maldivian government to assist the Palestinians in any way they can.”

Israeli surfers do have an image problem. Great on land, feisty as hell in the water. Most surfs over there in the Holy Land, and I love the joint, I’d swing in with a headache from all the hassling.

I ain’t sure whether its that genetic thing of having to fight for everything they’ve got and, who knows, a katyusha might land on their heads any second so y’might as well grab every wave that comes, or that they’re at that same point on the surf culture evolution table Brazilians were ten years ago, Australians thirty.

Naturally, Muslim surfers were thrilled by the suggestion.,

“We don’t need to confuse Israel with anything to understand it has being terrorizing the people of Palestine with the help of daddy Biden. Not only the on going conflict but the history of violence that was inflicted on Palestinians during ground invasions to steal their lands from them speaks for itself. So please, we will stay relaxed In our sandy beaches and you can relax in the land of Palestine while waving your white flag with a blue star whatever the fuck that is.”

“Thanks for the good news. Stay homeless. Land thieves. Surf in jahannam.”

“Maldives has always been a favorite destination to us Arabs, now even more. Thank you for this noble, humanitarian stance.”

“Solid stance against a Zionist fictional wanna be country. Funnest waves and it will be more fun with well mannered people now.”

“The life you stole and land you annexed from Palestinians ILLEGALLY.Live what’s left of your stolen land and life because the Palestinian cause only grows stronger, and you will be held accountable.”

Meanwhile, the softening on the western mind continues as cities from Sydney to Paris to New York to Paris to London to Toronto to etc etc light up in support of Israel’s annihilation.

Lebanese Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist Gad Saad sums it up real well,

“You are not going to like this tweet so turn away if you are likely to be triggered: I am a very optimistic person; I am a fighter for Western values and liberties; I am a dogged defender of science, reason, and common sense. I must say though that I am unsure that the West can recover from its multifront civilizational suicide. Yes, I’ve talked about these issues for decades and wrote a book about it but the past few weeks have crystallized the extent to which the problem has become intractable. It will be a long and ultimately bloody demise and the West will be the first society in recorded history to fully self-implode due to its parasitic ideological rapture. It is a gargantuan Greek tragedy that will shape the future of humanity. This is not hyperbole. Your grandchildren will pay a very high price for your “progressive” arrogance rooted in the pursuit of Unicornia that only exists in the recesses of deeply flawed parasitized minds.”

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