To The Fullest – Surf Simply

Whether accompanied or not, one thing Aitor has to rely on is his wave riding skills. And like all surfers striving to improve, he hones his technique through the repetition of movements – both in and out of the water. “I often go skating in large, hazardless spaces,” says Aitor. “But always supervised by someone who knows how to surf because otherwise, you can develop bad vices when executing the manoeuvres.”


Indeed, technique is something Aitor is well-versed in; it is something that has underpinned his entire surfing career. A pioneering surf coach in Spain, he started the Zarautz Surf Club in 1988, co-founded the country’s first surf school, and eventually took the role of national coach for the Spanish Surfing Federation, working with the likes of Mario Azurza and Kepa Acero, and playing a fundamental role in Aritz Aranburu’s journey to the Top 45.


Despite his background, after he lost his sight, many people stopped believing Aitor could coach. Yet he soldiered on, now using the eyes of the surfers he trains when working with video recordings. “It is very difficult to believe that a blind person can contribute to this sport,” says Aitor. “But since I love coaching and surfing so much, I’ve been able to show that by investing more time and effort than many coaches out there, I can also work at a high level.”


Aitor’s ability to work at the top level of the sport has a lot to do with his experience as a competitor – something he remains passionate, pedagogical, and painstaking about. “I have always enjoyed competing, and now I face each championship as I always have: I focus on having top-notch equipment, technique, tactics, physical preparation and nutrition,” says Aitor. “For me, the best surfer is the one who surfs in all kinds of waves, with all sorts of equipment, in all conditions and situations. I have always sought that for myself and my students.”

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