Toughest ever surfer Bethany Hamilton torches premium surf blog for going “so soft”

“Stab has lost its og raw vibe.”

Like her or love her, it is impossible to
characterize Kauai’s Bethany Hamilton as anything but the toughest
surfer who ever paddled the high seas. Her story is, of course, the
stuff of legend. Up an coming star, thirteen years old and going
for a surf at Tunnels, a tiger shark stole her arm. Now, most would
have curled up and called it a day, but Hamilton fought back,
hopping back into the brine and dropping jaws with an unmatched
style, an elan, absolutely impossible to ignore.

A miracle.

And so, of course, when she speaks, we listen and she has just
spoken, dropping an absolute hammer on the premium surf blog Stab
Magazine. Stab has certainly had a dramatic shift over the years,
transitioning from a devil-may-care rebel yell that once printed a
comic of Kelly Slater deemed so offensive that Quiksilver pulled
years’ worth of ads into a monument to institutional hurt

Thin skinned, paternal, passive-aggressive.

Much sense, then, when Hamilton took to Stab’s own Instagram to
declare, “Stab has lost its og raw vibe. So soft. Who’s running it

The statement and question appearing underneath a slide
directing to a premium story titled “The world’s most overrated
waves for mere mortals.”

While some Stab fanbois defended the paywalled website, calling
her a “boomer” and cheap etc. many agreed with the mother of

“Bethany Hamilton wants more sex, drugs and rock and roll,” one
opined. “Liberals that live in constant fear,” another suggested as
to the question “who’s running it now?”

“Soy boys” a third simply penned.

“LadyBOYS transgenders,” a fourth clarified.


Do you have thoughts on the matter?

Team Beth or Team Sam?

More as the story develops.

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