Big wave stud Jamie Mitchell flashes legendary temper after overcrowding, general rudeness lead to...

“No way I’m putting my life on the line!” You’ll remember the great Australian influencer and philanthropist Willem “Powerfish” Ungermann from his brave attempts...

Vogue magazine swoons over John John Florence’s “lush, bohemian” wedding to horticulture student with...

“No way I’m putting my life on the line!” You’ll remember the great Australian influencer and philanthropist Willem “Powerfish” Ungermann from his brave attempts...

Bloodbath at Da Hui Backdoor Shootout, multiple surf surfers injured, one in a critical...

"This is gonna’ be the best wave of my life." The Ocean Pacific has been alive with pleasure for multiple weeks now delighting...

Health experts beg professional surfers to refrain from urinating on each other as box...

I recently read an anecdote from comedian and onetime television talkshow host Chelsea Handler about how she, until very recently, believed the sun...

Surfer magazine, recently purchased by group with “frat house behavior trail” CEO, in ultra-hot...

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” A few days before Christmas,...

World Surf League flips calendar back to early industrial revolution days, sends children into...

“When you’re around a guy like that, you always take something out of the encounter. He's a great example of longevity at the highest...

Local California news affiliate ruthlessly mocks adult learners who even thought about chasing glory...

“We are all the idiots,” my friend writes in a text. “We just don’t know it until our luck runs out.” There’s a...

All hell breaks loose in South Africa as vindictive baby seal attacks boy in...

It is what it is. It is, officially, time to put the old out and bring the new in. To forget the things...

Historian skewers Australia’s wild “surf-misogyny” in search for forgotten female champion, “She is the...

"At 15, just after winning her first national title, Trim was asked to pose naked, on her back, beneath a surfboard, for a...

World Surf League brass begin 2023 terrified as Fox News publishes “Go Woke, Go...

Anti-equality. The World Surf League had an undeniably wonderful year, save asterisks hung on both its male shortboarding and longboarding champions. Wild growth,...