“World’s most handsome” professional surfer, who is married to popular TV star, swept up...

“When you visit the Dole plantation here on O'ahu or buy a Dole pineapple, you're supporting the legacy of Hawai'i's colonizers.” A popular...

World’s most-loved surfing magazine The Surfers Journal under siege as pro surfer and “eco-feminist”...

"The bulk of the commenters admitted to not actually reading the magazine. But they sure knew they hated it." Some things are worth...

Shock new theory emerges following world #1 surfer’s stunning choke at Outerknown Tahiti Pro,...

Maybe world number one not scared of Teahupoo but smarter than you think! Earlier today, surf fans were shocked, but not surprised, I...

Surfline’s already cartoonish wave-size calls reach hitherto unseen levels of absurdity as “five-to-seven-feet and...

Black blonde Connor O'Leary too! Jingoism, in professional surfing, used to be very much part of the joy of watching, cheering. Australians, in...

Surfing hall-of-famer slams use of “novelty” wildcard at expense of indigenous Tahitian at upcoming...

"I fucking fucked up, but that's the generation I came from." Let’s recap. Five days ago, Andy Lyon, the Malibu realtor and First Point...

Heartthrob songbird Ricky Martin forms masculine counterpart to chanteuse Shakira as surf darlings able...

"It’s pretty amazing how stuff goes like this…I’ve become sort famous I guess.”  The Malibu surfer Andy Lyons, whom you’ll hear on a...

World’s most important surfer Kelly Slater weighs in on detained basketball star Brittney Griner’s...

"A young lady, facing men on equal ground in perfect, gnarly conditions, reaching the finals of a legacy surf tournament. And doing it...

Blood Feud: World’s greatest surfer Kelly Slater karate chops world’s other greatest surfer Laird...

Two weeks ago, the public became absolutely shocked when it was revealed that Laird Hamilton, considered the world’s greatest surfer by many, metaphorically...

Desperate surf fans break out nautical charts, protractors, as universally adored John John Florence...

Hop on the sled and reset. The Volkswagen broke down two hours outside of Albuquerque and I thought, “Oh, dang.” The day had...

World’s greatest surfer Kelly Slater confidant Joe Rogan draws fire for comment about “shooting...

“A coffee table. A square one. No, rectangle. No, in the shape of…a surfboard?” His mind whirred like a Breitling. A hard-white sunlight...