John John Florence returns from epic quest across the Pacific, slays all challengers in...

“His portraits were character studies.” It’s been three weeks since big, beautiful Art Brewer, the Laguna Beach photographer whose work defined surfing over...

San Diego area surfers toast their rising stock as they live vicariously through famous...

"Stop touching me." It goes without writing that we all live in extremely divided times. Left loathing right. Right loathing left. Camps within...

Open Thread: Comment Live Day Two of the Haleiwa Challenger where some surfers can’t...

The post Open Thread: Comment Live Day Two of the Haleiwa Challenger where some surfers can’t believe in themselves unless someone believes in...

As cryptocurrency heavies mysteriously die one after another, surf fans worry “diamond handed” investor...

You seen that before? Drive you nuts? You’ll remember, of course, the surfer-turned-citizen cop Chad Towersey.  His Instagram account @ocinstanews is a treasure chest...

Surfing’s birthplace reels under staggering Snickers shortage as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson buys every...

You seen that before? Drive you nuts? You’ll remember, of course, the surfer-turned-citizen cop Chad Towersey.  His Instagram account @ocinstanews is a treasure chest...

Governing body for Olympic surfing releases policy officially banning transgender women with elevated testosterone...

You seen that before? Drive you nuts? You’ll remember, of course, the surfer-turned-citizen cop Chad Towersey.  His Instagram account @ocinstanews is a treasure chest...

Surf virtuoso who cried for three days following backlash to WSL joke silences former...

“His portraits were character studies.” It’s been three weeks since big, beautiful Art Brewer, the Laguna Beach photographer whose work defined surfing over...

Surf prodigy and father-to-be in critical condition after allegedly being stabbed multiple times on...

World Surf League remains a bastion of freedom. Days ago, the International Surfing Association, recognized governing body for Olympic surfing, released its official...

Oy vey: In shock pivot away from Ashkenazi roots, beloved Hollywood frontman and “Surf...

World Surf League remains a bastion of freedom. Days ago, the International Surfing Association, recognized governing body for Olympic surfing, released its official...

Coldplay frontman and surf enthusiast Chris Martin buys architecturally significant Malibu home, flattens it...

“His portraits were character studies.” It’s been three weeks since big, beautiful Art Brewer, the Laguna Beach photographer whose work defined surfing over...