In unmitigated blow to California and Hawaii, Kelly Slater’s hometown of Cocoa Beach, Florida...

Every rose has its thorn. The World Surf League is halfway through a three-year deal to host its most famous, insanely watched Final’s...

Surf fans go into mourning as dreams of fairytale reunion between Kelly Slater and...

Trouble in paradise. The World Surf League, riding a wave of unmitigated success, growing more robustly than any student of professional sport could...

Hot questions swirl around World Surf League’s drug testing policies after star promotes banned...

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I should not have done that. I’m sorry don’t tell your dad.” It’s been a little over a month...

Florida degenerates thrown into mass confusion as they attend Jacksonville Beach Super Girl Surf...

Surfline Man feels so certain all the pro surfers would love him and help him learn to surf better. It would all be...

“Herky-jerky” Californian surf icon Kemp Aaberg, who surfed as if “god was pulling the...

Surfline Man feels so certain all the pro surfers would love him and help him learn to surf better. It would all be...

In shattering blow to butts n boobs contest, Surfer (The Girl), featuring girls that...

"This one, in my eyes, might be the pinnacle of surf podcasting." If, like me, you’re regularly disillusioned with surf “content” which often...

Surf fans collectively hallucinate wedding bells as Gisele Bündchen retreats to bucolic Costa Rican...

The Crest Surf Club is gonna built its pool in Shirley, Long Island, a lil west of The Hamptons, projected completion date of...

As new best-in-class wave tank breaks ground near Orlando, Disney publicly shamed for failing...

The Crest Surf Club is gonna built its pool in Shirley, Long Island, a lil west of The Hamptons, projected completion date of...

Basque surfer-architect astonishes by building beachfront modernist house in Nicaragua for $8000, “I read...

You dream of splitting the big ol city with its two-million dollar shoebox apartments and acres of concrete and finding a piece of...

Quadruple amputee set to become youngest ever to compete in top surf competition: “It’s...

Bewitching. There is coincidence and then there is fate and surf fans, heretofore cynical empiricists, have magically, majestically fallen under sway of the...