World Surf League CEO Erik Logan achieves boyhood dream, cosplays as fighter pilot during...

"We’re extremely happy that a close friend of the brand has taken on the house." So, who’s the company man with the necessary...

Surf fans thrown into panic as much younger, heretofore unknown suitor materializes as threat...

Leo? Leo DiCaprio? If one thing is certain in these topsy-turvy days, it is that nothing is. Seemingly solid marriages crumble overnight, leaving...

Rumours swirl concerning mysterious new owner of Billabong’s iconic Pipeline house, sold for a...

Leo? Leo DiCaprio? If one thing is certain in these topsy-turvy days, it is that nothing is. Seemingly solid marriages crumble overnight, leaving...

Legendary surf explorers Jack McCoy and Mike Ritter release raw drug-soaked tell-all surrounding the...

Crazy Dayz. What a week it has been. Exactly seven days ago, news broke that Tom Brady and his wife Gisele Bündchen had...

Surf fans rub eyes in disbelief as Gisele Bündchen follows former-flame Kelly Slater’s lead,...

“I don't think I would have ever left my house on the hill, but now it's gone." The wildly beautiful middle son of...

Surfer dragged from jaws of Great White by impossibly brave husband shifts to boxing...

"I like the idea that longboarding is out there, waiting for me." A week or so ago, I got in the car and...

Holding qualifications for Teahupo’o Olympics in Huntington Beach slop called “act of willful negligence...

A classic story of sliding doors or how two men of equal ability and from the same beach can veer down wildly different...

Heir to Miki Dora’s Malibu throne Jonah Hill pokes head from reclusive lifestyle change,...

We have made these decisions for YOU. Are there millions of fans of pro surfing we’re unaware of? How about, Mr Logan, you tell...

Surfing drone heads into eye of hurricane, shames hurtful vloggers Nathan Fletcher, Koa Rothman...

The ultimate home for the man who has owned Pipe since 1992, winning seven Pipeline Masters, a Billabong Pro Pipeline and two Volcom...

Americans, long used to international sporting dominance, greedily lick lips as Kolohe Andino, Nat...

A brave and beautiful new world. One thing I learned having a daughter that surfed was, until a certain age, there wasn’t much that...