The benefits of Nature and outdoor life on mental health

We all sense it when we take in a sunset, soak up some sun, or catch that perfect wave. Nature is vital. We're...

John John Florence and Carissa Moore win Digital Triple Crown of Surfing

John John Florence and Carissa Moore have taken out the first-ever Digital Triple Crown of Surfing. For the first time in its history, the...

Surfing Workout: Lower Body Strength, Power, and Mobility

Lower Body Workout for Surfers squats, lateral hops, single-leg deadlifts, dynamic hip rotations, shrimp squats, crawling squat hops…That is what lower body...

5 Must Know Tips for Better Surfing

5 Tips for Better Surfing, I want you to understand the Skill Pyramid.  This basic awareness provides a framework to look at...

Surfing Workouts – Top Exercises to Boost Your Surfing and Athletic Capacity“Top” lists are always a small act of futility.  There is so much variability in the human body, and a countless variety...

Surfing Stretches: How To Improve Your Flexibility for Good a yoga class.If you’re a guy, it can be a room full of beautiful female yogis, all gracefully moving from one...

How to Surf Better: Awareness, Skill, Progression, and Failure want to give you a framework of mental awareness of How to Surf Better.  It’s essentially Skill Progression, so let’s help you...

Stretches for Surfers – Shoulder Release and Self Massage tennis ball will become one of your best surf-travel companions.That foam roller that sits idle in the garage will suddenly come...

How to Surf Better – Warmup for Surfers – Dynamic Stretching on any surf beach in the world and the average warmup you see will be a few arm swings.Now have a...